
Search "user:TeachMeHowToDougie"

5 forum posts
Atomic WC - Player forfeited from AWC#26

In all fairness, most people looked at APU's games with onu and couldn't find cheating. If someone is good enough to beat onu why would they need to cheat in other games?? #FREEAPU

Atomic WC - Player forfeited from AWC#19

Honestly from the public eye we dont know what @APU_1 did wrong, and honestly it doesnt look like he cheated. It would be a shame if the main reason people are saying he cheated is due to the fact he …

Atomic WC - Player forfeited from AWC#10

In all fairness, I had a look at some of APU's past games and I dont think he cheated? His games after the onubense match included 10 games with Natso (in which he went 5-5, mainly trading white wins)…

Atomic WC - Player forfeited from AWC#9


Atomic WC - ANNOUNCEMENT - AWC 2018#23

I am in
