
Search "user:StoicCitizen"

15 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - What music do you listen to when you play chess?(if you do)#17

If am playing rapid I don’t but for blitz hip hop or rap

General Chess Discussion - What is your experience with takebacks?#12

For me I cancelled taking back after I started playing chess , it’s weird feature and can make u blunder a lot cuz u might think u opponent can accept it , and ur opponent might be very stubborn and j…

General Chess Discussion - Excel spreadsheet to help you find common reason of losses#3

Great topic, but sometimes i play blitz games and not fully focus on them does these games have to be analysed? To learn from them ? Or i have to play fully focus then i can see the real problem?

Game analysis - I felt this was a interesting middle game in the Caro Kann.#2

nope u just liked the mate and u wanna show it off

Lichess Feedback - Why the arrows in the analysis Dispear *Purple + Pink* How to get them back Please#2

yeah same question ! i did have them yesterday but when i tried analyzing today they're gone

General Chess Discussion - do u warm up daily before playing a game ? if yes how exactly#8

@Random_Noob_787 said in #4: > Tbh I just go outside and touch grass (it helps). alright am considering this method from now on

General Chess Discussion - best chess book that changed your play style ? book gave u new view to the board when you play ?#5

@Gerundium said in #3: > Jeremy Silman's "Reassess Your Chess" gave me a better grasp on strategy - a difficult topic for the autodidact. > > It's like a "dogmatic" equivalent to the more advanced Wat…

General Chess Discussion - best chess book that changed your play style ? book gave u new view to the board when you play ?#4

@MrPushwood said in #2: > Watson's Secrets of Modern Chess Strategy was an eye-opener for me...not nearly so dogmatic as those sorts of books can tend to be. i have been reading lots of book lately bu…

General Chess Discussion - best chess book that changed your play style ? book gave u new view to the board when you play ?#1

hi every one ! hope u guys answer my question ! so can everyone knows new things ! and thank u

General Chess Discussion - do u warm up daily before playing a game ? if yes how exactly#1

hi every one ! hope u guys answer my question ! so can everyone knows new things ! and thank u
