
Search "user:RishiIsABot"

15 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - This is why GM Hikaru is the best#2

What do you guys think? Post your thoughts! :D

General Chess Discussion - This is why GM Hikaru is the best#1

Have you guys seen this chess game on stream against a CM? Watch it! Its literally insane :D Agadmator is a great guy and i love watching hsi vids! Consider…

General Chess Discussion - Do you like ultrabullet?#4

to me, ultrabullet is kinda whack. I mean whats the point if you rely on flagging? Isn't it better if you deserve a win with good moves?

General Chess Discussion - Is this a suspicious behavior?#6

@kertandidi This is quite interesting. Do you think those are bots because lichess doe snot have enough players? Maybe they are not real players??

General Chess Discussion - Your Favorite GM#2

Mine is definitely GM Hikaru Nakamura. He is a great player and won MVL in the speed chess champs!

General Chess Discussion - Your Favorite GM#1

Say who is your favorite GM and Why!

General Chess Discussion - Do you wanna get better at chess?#21

Im stopping jeez dude i did not know forums had a TOS

General Chess Discussion - Do you wanna get better at chess?#19

He just got banned because a guy reported him saying that he cursed in the chat. The only thing RAMlegend said was "idiot" Lichess allowed him to make a new account

General Chess Discussion - Do you wanna get better at chess?#18

Stop acting like a spoiled kid. If you are not interested, you can leave right now. And also, im using forums for the first time.

General Chess Discussion - Do you wanna get better at chess?#14

Its only to enlarge the community and advertise. Please don't be rude
