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6 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - Bug: Streamer layout has clocks overlapping#7

@ItsGam3Tyme said in #4: > Some variable names have changed. Edit the style and replace the three instances of "--cg-*" with "---cg-*" and save. Thanks! That worked for me.

CM Respectful_Dave
Lichess Feedback - Bug: Streamer layout has clocks overlapping#3

Did you manage to fix it by any chance? I reinstalled it but they are still overlapping!

CM Respectful_Dave
Community Blog Discussions - The Hidden World Of Chess Composition#5

@TheMagician88 said in #4: > That was beautifully said!

CM Respectful_Dave
Community Blog Discussions - The Hidden World Of Chess Composition#3

@DoomedBishop said in #2: > @Respectful_Dave Thanks for sharing this. I used to try to solve compositions in a book. Maybe I should go back to the very least, it was fun. It also stirred the i…

CM Respectful_Dave
Community Blog Discussions - The Hidden World Of Chess Composition#1

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CM Respectful_Dave