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4 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Why Is This Not A Draw?#14

In your last question, the conditions for a draw are met when a side remains with insufficient material (in which no checkmating opportunities are present). No further moves are allowed (I'm assuming,…

General Chess Discussion - Which rating can be reach without learning ?#5

Depends on the depth of your perception and whom you're practicing with. Say you've reached 2000 [Rank: Candidate Master / Expert] with practicing only. Note that beyond that point, the people you'll …

General Chess Discussion - Why Is This Not A Draw?#11

This is an interesting situation indeed. White just blundered their Queen (their last remaining decisive piece) and Black has no valid moves to make other than capturing it -- which is automatically a…

General Chess Discussion - Coolest lichess username#108

The winner is here. Who is second?
