
Search "user:Molurus"

1097 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How do I stop myself from punching myself when I lose#6

They say chess is fun. It is, some of the time. But especially in classical OTB chess there is also a lot of suffering. Working for hours, with nothing much to look forward to except for maybe a draw.…

Community Blog Discussions - Advent of Chess with Magnus Carlsen returns!#41

@Jisu101 said in #40: > 24/24!!! Same here!

Lichess Feedback - Is this considered cheating?#14

@Brian-E said in #13: > It's not considered cheating in OTB to research your opponent's opening repertoire before you sit down to play, for example as soon as the tournament pairings for the next roun…

Lichess Feedback - Is this considered cheating?#12

I would disagree that what you do is before the game. It's during the game, you just haven't moved yet. And thus I would consider it cheating.

General Chess Discussion - help i an only 624 rated!!!!!!#8

Lichess provides excellent tools.

General Chess Discussion - Which format do you prefer to play in otb.#3

Same as mkubecek. 90/40 + 30, then 30+30. Which happens to be the time control for the dutch chess federation competition.

Community Blog Discussions - Advent of Chess with Magnus Carlsen returns!#31

5 out of 5, still going strong.

Community Blog Discussions - Advent of Chess with Magnus Carlsen returns!#25

Yay, we've started. Good luck everyone.

Community Blog Discussions - Advent of Chess with Magnus Carlsen returns!#15

Advent of Chess is awesome. Looking forward to the weird creative puzzles and the undoubtedly strange story line for this year.

General Chess Discussion - Every goddamn game I always afraid of running out of time#3

Yes, Lichess compensates for lag. Bug nevertheless I wouldn't recommend playing bullet with such a high lag. It's probably more related to the quality of your network than your actual location. There …
