
Search "user:Lou-E"

41 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - New header update covers thing up...#20

There is also one happening on studies - the new grey material balance tab encroaches on the icons along the bottom when those icons have a notification attached to them. (…

Lichess Feedback - Isn't the blitz icon is wrong?#8

Classical should arguably be some kind of Corinthian pillar or something

General Chess Discussion - Who wants to start a Tilted Tuesday tournament every Tuesday for tilted players?#8

> someone salty that they arent American ...

Community Blog Discussions - How to Lichess Developer#15

Raised an issue here:

Community Blog Discussions - How to Lichess Developer#12

Sorry, people seem to have misunderstood - my first question is still an open question. My second post was just a PSA for a different issue! Any insight into what the issue might be for my first post?

Community Blog Discussions - How to Lichess Developer#10

An additional note to others: the warning 'Font property font-family does not have generic default' comes up in the body of viewer.css, and for reasons I can't be bothered to investigate this seems to…

Community Blog Discussions - How to Lichess Developer#9

I tried adding some of the extra options like `drawArrows: true` etc., and they mostly seem to work, but I noticed when testing that for whatever reason, `showControls: false` breaks it - when I click…

Lichess Feedback - Analysis boards persisting between uses#1

I am used to analysis boards being wiped clean when I navigate away from the page, however today and yesterday on Lichess they have been persisting. For example, here: is a…

Lichess Feedback - I'm a little dysmal if lichess has a political agenda . My personal concerns but not certain.#43

Sorry, what is the exact mechanism by which you think money is going into these blog posts? Do you think the authors are being paid? You surely can't be referring to server uptime?

Lichess Feedback - I'm a little dysmal if lichess has a political agenda . My personal concerns but not certain.#42

The great thing about being a non-profit organisation is that you are not beholden to any financial stakeholders and, as such, are under no obligation whatsoever to be impartial. This means that the o…
