
Search "user:LosingHappens"

49 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Non Move Tournament Penalty#1

Looking for feedback or arguments. If a person doesn't move during a game in a tournament no rating points should be deducted... only a 0 added to the tournament score.... or something along those lin…

General Chess Discussion - Chesspieces#3

How much do you want to spend?

General Chess Discussion - Question about en passant#4

Pawn is on the wrong square. The idea of En Passant is to imagine the pawn that moves two squares, only moves one.

Lichess Feedback - Lichess graphics, look and feeling#10

I agree with FBD .... the black/grey/low level color scheme is perfect for playing hours of chess. I keep my dark as can be

Game analysis - I lost to a ≈1400 :-(#5

You should never be sad about losing to either a higher rated player, or a lower rated player.... nor should you be happy to win. The only thing that matters is consistency - and your rating will refl…

Lichess Feedback - Types of loss#5

HA! Thanks EugeneJudo ... never even noticed the advanced search! THANKS - and never mind this topic.

Lichess Feedback - Types of loss#3

I guess with that idea you could just log all your own games and filter them yourself with an excel spreadsheet.

Lichess Feedback - Types of loss#1

I thought it might be interesting to offer the option to separate your win/loss/draw by flag/checkmate/stalemate/repetition/50move It might not need to be that granular... but I thought it would be in…

Lichess Feedback - Are FIDE Arena Titles recognized here on Lichess?#7

I'm actually a title player... but only in Toledo, Ohio ... and more specifically in my basement... and particularly my play when drinking beer. Think you could put that title together for me Thibault…

Off-Topic Discussion - Google's New Logo#10

I like it.... best thing that's happened in my entire life.
