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36 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Why do people play chess.#6

Chess is a sublimation of our desire to kill other people (which we definitely should not do for no ethical reason like stopping crime). We are predators, and need to satisfy this instinct even in a c…

General Chess Discussion - GOAT says bishop better than knights do you agree??#9

Larry Kaufman is his excellent article "The Evaluation of Material Imbalances in Chess" makes a substantiated Evaluation of both Knights and Bishops as worth about 3 and 1/4 pawns ( the difference was…

General Chess Discussion - What is this guys?? Whyd he or she do this??#6

Maybe something unexpected and urgent just happened to him, sometimes I lost games like this. Or maybe he is sandbagging as said above, but of that's the case he probably lost other games like this in…

Game analysis - What's the highest rated opponent above you that you've beaten? (Any Variant)#39

@ChessMathNerd Just go to your profile, click on your bullet games, and search for highest rated wins. It's there.

General Chess Discussion - What does it take YOU to block someone here?#54

Do you block people who play the Englund?Don't you like free pawns?

Game analysis - What's the highest rated opponent above you that you've beaten? (Any Variant)#33

Highest rating on lichess was this.

General Chess Discussion - When would you NOT promote a pawn into a queen?#43

I once promoted to a knight because i already had put the pwan on the eighth rank and then noticed a Q or other piece would land me in a fork against the K and the new promoted piece.

Lichess Feedback - Opening book#2

Yeah, it seems there are some issues right now with this and puzzles not working.

General Chess Discussion - Which chess books have you read#32

The best ones I read when I was a begginer were Xadrez Básico, a Brazilian book which title means "Basic Chess", and Pachman's Modern Chess Strategy. After that I read many, and would recommend Rowson…

General Chess Discussion - Dogecoin and Ethereum#14

@selfbrain If you can't see the difference between people being forced to use something or choosing to use it... Then the discussion is pointless.