
Search "user:Entuzijasta"

95 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - New header update covers thing up...#23

Autohide of menu bar was good idea, but it doesn't work well at all. Covers too much, and can not be tamed. Vertical browser space is precious for all of us who analyze a lot. Evaluation graph barely …

Lichess Feedback - My imported games got deleted#3

Now they are back it seems.

Lichess Feedback - My imported games got deleted#1

Is there a limit at 599? My recently imported games disappeared.

Community Blog Discussions - I Hate Winning#9

My heartrate goes through the roof in better positions. Normal? Reasoning is as follows - there I am under impression that I have something to lose. Pure stress.

Lichess Feedback - Elementary draws#22

@Akbar2thegreat said in #21: > When/where does engine stop the game before? In analysis tab? That was said in context of hypothetical changes. So far this site stops only when 1 light piece remain.

Lichess Feedback - Elementary draws#16

@MrPushwood said in #14: > Kindly quit arguing about the rules. We've all suffered through this kind of tedium enough around here. 1. I think it is better to ignore some topic than to suppress them. 2…

Lichess Feedback - Elementary draws#12

I'm curious, so I can not claim draw with bare knights in OTB tournament?

Lichess Feedback - Elementary draws#10

This joke illustrates that implementing would not be easy even for "naked knights": 1.Qg8 Sg8 2.Sf7# But engine sees 2 horses a…

Lichess Feedback - Elementary draws#8

@SchachJohnny said in #6: > it is not an auto draw! but please tell me how to win this position Your question here …

Lichess Feedback - Elementary draws#3

@KenulL_76 By mentioning checkmating possibility I meant that it is possible, but irrelevant. I am ready to change my mind when I see a real game example without hypnosis or voodoo.
