
Game Domination

I basically won the game when I put my knight on d3!

Nice ending, unfortunately Nd3 was not the best move as it allows Bxf6. You are still winning but not as much as before.

It may feel strange but because of this maintaining the threat of Nd3 was better.

The above I found myself, but the computer also has a nice illustration of the strength of a potential Nd3 earlier in the game.
Check out the line
8. ... Bxf2!! 9. Kxf2 Ng4 with a crushing threat of Nd4 as well as Qb6
Ah yes Nd3 doesn't work bcs of Bxf6. Saving the rook is the worst choice. By Bxf6 white can at least give black a horrible pawn structure and stuck rook, maybe even keep the bishop on the dangerous diagonal and white has counterplay. Nd3 is a good idea, but the timing wasn't right.
The timing looked good in my quick calculations and whatnot, it looked good at the time so..
@checker99 well, you calculated wrong, but it was great that you found the move as it is an important tactical idea and so you can be proud of yourself!
@checker99 yes, but at your level it doesn't matter and it was good how you played. At higher level you would maybe first capture central pawns, remove the knight (target of the bishop) and play f5 and stuff so the rooks become better and then decide which outpost d3 or f3 is better and make Nd3 a real crushing move. Also @Testrider said it might have been good earlier. I didn't check it, but I guess it'll be right if he says it.
Makes logical sense. At my level though, it doesn't matter as you said. I am trying to improve my calculation skills as well..

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