
A Game I Won That Should Have Been A draw By The Rules Of Chess

The final position of this game is a draw yet Lichess awarded me a win. It isn't possible for black to win because white's g-pawn becomes a light squared bishop and black can't checkmate. I just wanted to bring this to people's attention so that it can be prevented in the future. I hope that the Lichess moderators can do something about this.
@jacana8002 said in #1:
White ran out of time. The game wasn’t over as white could promote its pawn to a queen so the game didn’t end as a draw before white times out
<Comment deleted by user>
No but think about this,white promotes to a knight and then theres mate (if both the sides r working to checkmate white and somehow get the imagined position) in a position where white's king is on a8,Knight on b8,Black's king on b6 and Bishop on u see mate IS possible in this position if they were to continue,maybe thats why Lichess gave the point to Black coz white ran out of time :)
White might promote to a knight in which case there can be a help-mate.

It can be a prevented by playing with increment.
Otherwise black adopts the strategy of putting the king in front of the pawn next move so it can't advance then just moving the bishop around anywhere that it isn't attacked, and white needs to get to the 50 move rule to get the draw.

Not the spirit of chess, in my opinion. But you lot hate increment.
@Cloud08 said in #6:
> but white's gonna promote on g8,which means its gonna be a light squared bishop,nd with both the sides having same coloured bishops,its impossible to mate one side,even if both of them wanted to

Oh, your diagram had the board in the flipped set up. I dd not realize that.

But Black can still win if White promotes to a Knight, using a similar setup: All you need the promoted piece for is to block a flight square of the King.
Under rules chess by FIDE that is a win. As there exist (never mind how silly) series of moves that check mates.

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