
What would be a good way to equalize White and Black's winning chances?

No, it is a draw. I don't care about the numbers. we are talking about best play. There is only one variation with exactly best play. And it is a draw. If white plays all the best moves, and is does black, with will always have an advantage of +0.2. That isn't winning. It isn't losing. Its drawing.
Chuck_Fess, hey buddy, if you know better than a GM, go ahead, enlighten us, otherwise, realize you have no support behind your argument
Way to derail the thread! Another possibility: draws are wins to the side with more pieces on the board, and if that's tied, Black wins.
Veletas, more peces on the board? that kinda dumb. That makes two piece for a queen sacs possible than locking pawns completely.
@NotAComputerUser :

"There is only one variation with exactly best play."

Tarrasch believed this too as far as i remember.

Many decades ago.

Remember: ...the times they are a-changin

No, there is a best move in every position. Thats why it is BEST. And there is a BEST continuation. C'mon, it aint hard
There is a lot of evidence that chess just like checkers is a draw with best play from both sides. There is the opinion of top grandmasters like Capablanca, Spassky, Fischer, Kasparov, Kramnik. There is also a huge drawing rate in correspondence chess and in engine against engine. Also the last classical over the board world championship were all draws, although a few wins were missed.

The four move rule would not restrict white. E.g. 1 Nf3 2 g3 3 Bg2 4 O-O 5 d3.

The consensus derived from gambit openings is that a tempo is worth about 1/3 of a pawn. Consensus is also that one needs an advantage of about worth 1 pawn to win. So the moving first advantage worth between 0.33 and 0 pawn is not meaningful.

In practice white scores better than black: white has a wider choice of corrrect moves, while black must walk a narrower path.
easy way is to use same system as go-moko/renju uses. after two/3 moves black would chode allowed to which side to play. Though chess white advantage is so small that it is pointless
> What would be a good way to equalize White and Black's winning chances from the starting position?

The easiest way is to give unequal amounts of time. Starting out you decide what should be the time on Black's clock
(let's say 10 minutes).
Then both players gamble once by secretly writing down
"I'll take White and 7 minutes on the clock"
"I'll take White and 8 minutes on the clock"
The player with the lowest bid plays White and has the amount of time he betted.

Another way is to make White's first move a forced, but not optimal one.
Let's say most engines agree that 1.b3, 1.c3 and 1.d3 leads to equal play and in practice this proves to give equal chances. Then you enforce the rule that White must start with one of these three moves, preferably randomly drawn instead of chosen by the White player.

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