
What are the odds a 1500 beats a 1900 berserked

I recently just beat a 1900 while berserking, i feel like i just won the lottery and im wondering what are the odds of this happening
I have beaten players 500+ rated higher then me when they berserk. I have also lost to much lower rated players who berserk as well. I have also tried to beat much lower rated players while beserking, and failed
There is no magic formula. Sometimes with that option. It can often come down to how sharp your mind is at that given moment.
Congratulations on your win. That's how to play against much higher rated plaiyey. Throw Wild Punches!
I've beat strong masters rated 500 points higher in games that they berserk. All the pressure is on them because really, unless they are leading in a tournament they are disrespecting me by berserking and should be punished, hahaha. Now, you asked about odds and that is something else, because it depends on the time control. If you are playing a classical game then it might happen once in a thousand games that your opponent blunders because they are distracted by something or have a heart attack and you flag them when they are calling the ambulance. It doesn't really matter what the odds are the point is that you beat a 1900 fairly and that just feels good and why not get on the forum and flex, hahahaha. In fact just the other day an old friend who is a NM that I've never beat in 25 years played me a game of 960 with 10 minute time control and I mated him. He usually likes to call me up when he needs a confidence boost and someone to pick on and knows I'm a chump for punishment. I should call him back to check up on him because he might of committed suicide.
@Poke_Imane Oh no wonder you wanted to flex, lol. Yeah, but seriously why would you berserk anyone unless you are in a tournament and one of the leaders and need an extra point to win? I literally love it when people berserk on me because I often punish them for their insolence, hahaha. They think they are rattling me with the disrespect move, but it's laughable how much pressure it puts on them. Especially when their time is running down and I'm not hurrying and they just move faster, as if to push me to make a mistake ,as if I was the one in time trouble. One thing I do is my piece animation is set to slow instead of fast because I find it doesn't make me rush. And often I'll play in Zen Mode and not even know the rating of the player until the end of the game. It's surprising how much stress this takes off. Sounds like you just got lucky and the 1900 buckled, it happens to everyone. I saw the world champion get mated in 8 moves recently.

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