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zeyad09 (1334)
Katze56 (1546)
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Game aborted by server

Why is the server of lichess always in malfunction ?

There are two much or two many problems of connexion to the server of lichess so that we loose time and elo puncts and we loose games because the server of lichess don't function normally.

it's not the first time i loose elo puncts.

what do the organizators and administrators of this web site to ameliorate this server ?

what do they do ?

i am afraid they do nothing.

You dont loose ELO when games are aborted so stop lying you only loose ELO in tournament play which yo have never played, maybe you should blame your ISP and not Lichess
Two things: firstly the Lichess server works perfectly, the problem is on your end.
Secondly, if a game is aborted because you have failed to make a move, its canceled and its not a win or loss. No one loses rating because of that. Only if your connection fails after the first move then it can be either a win or draw for your opponent.
Dear CeremonialOath , i am not lying.

you must only moderate your words and not be agressive please.

be respectfull with the other players.

you must respect the other people.

there are problems of connection.

that's a reality and a fact and nobody can't say it's never appened.

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