
Todays Wrong Question

Quenn To E8 and Then Knight Check Is Also 2 Move CheckMate But Lichess REDUCED 13 Point and said wrong Move...The QUestion is WHY?
Can't U Analyse it...No Comments...OW pitty...
Qe8 is met by Bf8 surely? Then the knight check is no longer mate.
"Lichess REDUCED 13 Point and said wrong Move..."

Daily puzzles are rated? Mine aren't.
I've just turned on the analysis. 27. Qe8 is not checkmate because 27...Bf8.When you play 28. Nf7+ Black have enough room to escape,so no checkmate in 2. Stockfish says Black will win after 28...Kg7.
Can't believe so many people are missing on this nice feature as the browser stockfish analysis. Shame.

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