
1800 player can't mate with K + Q vs. K

Little bit of entertainment for you, some hope for the lower rated players, and don't forget: never resign.
If you're in a losing position like that I find it disrespectful if you don't resign. The fact that you are pretty much wasting you and their own time just to get a cheap stalemate is ridiculous. Just take the L and move on to another game. When people do that to me and I get into a position just before I mate them and I'll wait and just let my clock run down to 1 second before delivering checkmate to "teach them a lesson" on wasting my own time. Usually they give up and I force them to click the resign button themselves. It's honestly pretty petty but whatever.
That is a crazy ending. Time pressure didn't seem to be a factor. I wonder if Taor has any feedback on it?

You're right - never resign. (Sometimes I do thou.)
Get a draw from a lost position by boring your opponent to recklessness and then bragg about it is the spirit that will make you a grandmaster sooner than later.
@osmanre I'd pretty much always resign when lost, on this occasion however I was a little mad since he refused a draw on around move 32 and I ended up blundering in time pressure, so I just premoved in the final seconds. To my surprise, 1800 players can't always mate with a basic checkmate that I'd expect 1000 players to know, and this will definitely make me more inclined to not resign.
@osmanre I don't understand this sentiment at all. If you're in a winning position then it's on you to win. This is like saying coming out for the fourth quarter in a basketball game you're losing by 20 is disrespectful. If you can't finish a winning position take the stalemate and move on.
The whole "respectful resignation" is really only a thing for OTB play, especially for long (2+ hours) time controls. For an online 10 minute game, your attitude is entirely petty. Besides, winning positions can be the most difficult to play.
I respect people's choice to not resign as long as they respect my choice to sometimes take my time with checkmating them, unless they're low rated then I wouldn't be mean.

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