
Which Sicilian should I play Taimanov or Scheveningen?

I used to play the French Defense I have had some success with it. However, I believe that switching to a Sicilian would let me do better and help me improve in general. I have looked at the possibilities and because I did not want to be bogged down by the theory of the Najdorf I have decided on one of these two. For context the other openings I play are the English and the Nimzo/Queen's Indian Defense.
Both the Taimanov and the Scheveningen are good, but some players avoid wheeling out the latter because of he Keres Attack (6.g4). You might try steering towards a Scheveningen via a Taimanov move order -- 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nc6 5.Nc3 d6 -- but be aware that White can still try to throw things off-balance with 6.g4. That said, Black has several decent alternatives at this point (7...a6, 7...Nf6, 7...Be7, 7...h6).

Maybe play through a few model games in both the Taimanov and the Scheveningen to see what sorts of middlegames you prefer. As Portisch said, you're goal in the opening is to reach a playable middlegame.
An ironic thing to say for a guy who used to tote his openings preparation notebook around with him wherever he went.

At any rate, the jump from French to Sicilian is quite a big one. You sure about all this, OP?
I tried including the Scheveningen in my repertoire many times, but I could never solve the Keres attack, and I studied it a lot.
Maybe someone who blunders their bishop and then blunders both their queen and rook at the same time on the next move, then ragequits, should not be playing the Sicilian, or chess in general.

Now, to be clear, the reason I say OP shouldn't play chess in general isn't because of the blunders (we all start somewhere), but ragequitting ain't cool. To be fair, maybe they didn't know how to resign since that was their first (and only) game on Lichess.
The taimanov is pretty good requires less theoretical knowledge while also being very solid and strong

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