
Who doesn't like Columbo and Beer? Time to play d5?

This has come up in different settings. In studying the QGD, I came across the Albin Countergambit. However, I don't play d4 and just encounter the QGD playing black. My opponents simply don't play that. Perhaps you Alban Berg fans can help me out.

So, now we get to the heart of the issue.

In the King's Gambit, I usually accept with exf4. I love to play g5 next. However, an IM suggested d5. Time to play d5?

Well, I am a Peter Falk fan. I love all the Columbo series, especially the one with Leonard Nimoy as a surgeon.

I also like German beer, so should I play the Falkbeer Countergambit?

And, is there a connection with the following position where I could also play d5? Enquiring minds want to know.

Yeah, that one definitely had the best murder. Although I also liked the guy who faked burying the corpse at the building site so he could come back later on and really do the job.

My favorite though was the very first regular one--with Jack Cassidy slimier than a box of toads.
And btw I used to play ...d5 but gave it up (I had a great record against the King's Gambit but I was lost in almost every game). Now I play ...g5 and am doing quite a bit better.
@MrPushwood said in #3:
> And btw I used to play ...d5 but gave it up (I had a great record against the King's Gambit but I was lost in almost every game). Now I play ...g5 and am doing quite a bit better.

Thanks. I think this is a good time to embrace Halloween and enjoy a cover song of a classic. I hope you all are enjoying this Halloween month. I will be back with more Halloween scary tales. But for now, enjoy the song. See you later.

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