
anyone else sad to see magnus carlsen doing more alochol now

i feel like he will lose his brain cells and then lose to wesley so
i didnt know it was public shaming, :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( I miss sober carlsen
The fact he's staying sober for such long stretches of time is a miracle in itself.
lets be honest, american players like nakahacka and weslem so don't have a chance against sobert carlsen
As stated above, in #2, these forums are not here for public shaming or if you might call it, speculation. This is not a joke. The person you spoke of is held in high regard by many.
ok so here's the truth, when you talk about like 1 person you know from real life that is pujblic shaming but when you're talking about a CELEBRITY it's just common gossips!
Dr Drunkenstein? Not sure this is a new phenomenon.

Alcohol increases creativity.

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