
Which makes a better pet? Cats or dogs?

@GamerCat-222 said in #13:
> Cats are better than dogs, but dogs have better smell
Uhhh have you ever smelled dog poop bro- also they don't even know how to use the toilet on their own
@twighead said in #22:
> Uhhh have you ever smelled dog pop bro- also they don't even know how to use the toilet on their own

Ok... Maybe that's true...
@sPIderMan2102 said in #21:
> so he even cleaned my dads diapers right
No my dad is not your dad's dad, smart boy.
@Auisgoldbutbetter said in #12:
> Cats r chads, dogs are whiny babies so cats r better

Actually, both can be tought the others language quite simply: put a dog three days in a deep freezer, then use your buzz saw: "MEEEOOOWW". On the other hand, pour gasoline generously over the cat, use a match: "WOOOOFFF".
@PxJ said in #24:
> No my dad is not your dad's dad, smart boy.
ok let us just close this fight you win ok ?
I have one of each and I love both of them but I prefer the dog as they seem to genuinely like you, whereas my cat will come for a pat then bite me and take a hike.

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