
What determines the rating given for a player PER GAME?

I am curious about lichess rating system.
I have already read the the part "What rating system does Lichess use?" in Lichess FAQ but it doesnt really answer my question.
Well, I do not understand what determines the rating of a specific game.
For example, winning a game mostly gives me 5-7 points, but sometimes its 8 or higher, and sometimes it's 3 or 4.
So, what affects the points given after a win? Is it the average centipawn loss? or am I missing something, and actually somehow it's only up to the the result and to the confidence interval mentioned in the FAQ...

Thank you
Short answer: If you beat a player much higher-rated than you, you gain more points than if you beat someone rated closely to you. Conversely, if you lose to a player much lower-rated than you, you lose more points than if you lost to someone rated closely to you.
" Is it the average centipawn loss?"

No, the actual game play is not considered, only the result (0:1, 1:0, 1/2:1/2) goes into the rating calculation.
As mentioned above, the reason why you get awarded a different number of points depends mostly on the rating difference between you and your opponent. In addition, there's a parameter called "rating deviation", which basically means that you earn or loose more points if your rating is unstable (for example, because you have not played so many games yet). - that's why sometimes an equally -rated opponent gains or looses many more points than you.

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