
Another game of mine#2

Well, you had the win; now all you have to do is learn to move faster. :D

Earlier I would've considered 11 Bg5, trying to infiltrate on the dark squares directly. Your choice seemed natural enough, but it also did serve to clog things up a bit...especially after 14 f4. It's true your bishop will have an out on a3, but this is also a slower, stodgier game (where that c-pawn is after all backward on an open file). 14 Nh3 would I think have given you hopes of using the bishop on those weak kingside squares.

Of course, Black never should've opened it up with 14... f6. After 16 fe you have a passer (and access to those dark squares again).

21 Kd2 hung the exchange. But even if it didn't, I think the king would be happier on the kingside.

After 28 Ne6 Black did have the intriguing 28... Rxc3. Now White can't take the queen because of an odd mate in 2. So you have to play 29 Qxc3 Rxc3 30 Nxg7 and does Black have enough? Maybe not...but at any rate, it was better than what happened to him.
Black's move 8 is creating big dark square weaknesses on kingside, you could have wedged your bishop on h6 to block them up and shut down castling.

h4 on move 11 harms your ability to castle kingside, which is bad with your weakened queenside pawn structure.

Move 13, trading your bishop for their knight is generally bad; the knight could have been challenged with the g pawn instead to keep the bishop aimed at black's weakening king pawns, with capture getting the queen to g and letting the h pawn push.

Move 17, your queen is blocking up your bishop, the bishop should have come out first; it could have gone to g5 with tempo and the queen could have gone behind it. You could probably have forced a rook sacrifice on f6 that way.

Move 19, Qg5 is blocking the bishop and the knight both. Queen to f4 followed by knight to g5 would have been better, or you could leave it on h6 and castle.

Move 21 is just losing a rook to Nb3 fork. Even if the knight wasn't there it would be bad, losing castling for nothing. Your rooks are both stuck behind pawns that aren't going anywhere, and black's kingside is walled off; castle kingside and get the h rook into the game.

Move 22 is blocking off your rooks from your c pawn, your king can't defend it alone.

Black blundered badly on move 28, you were winning after that even if they'd handled it less disastrously.
You spent 43 s on the poor move 14 f4 which blocks your own remaining bishop Bc1, does not develop. 14 O-O
You spent 47 s on the obvious retreat 15 Nf3.
In a 5+0 game you should spend about 10 s per move.

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