
I have hit 1650!

After so many attempts where I would just go down to 1600 and stay in the 1600-1630 range, I finally found a way to reach 1650. My next subgoal is 1700, my main goal being 1800. Does anybody have tips on how to reach 1800 quickly and easily?
I reach 1800. Try more puzzles and classical and correspondence. My goal is 1850.
enable move confirmation, it really helps you to make less blunders. Use ALL the time you have. I see too many players (including myself sometimes) not using that extra rapid time and basically playing a blitz game. Overall, the more you play, the more you will see and therefore will get better.
For rapid and classical move confirmation is fine. It will save you from many losses because of blunders and that outweights an occasional loss on time. Besides a loss of time will seldom come from move confirmation but rather from cogitating: thinking eccessively long over one move.
@tpr you are correct but if it is blitz or bullet you have to disable that option.
I agree, though there are even players that berserk in blitz and even bullet, so they give up half of their time, while move confirmation takes less.
Even in blitz and bullet you should briefly check a move is no blunder. You can see that in videos of strong blitz players: they hover over the intended square, hesitate briefly and only then release.
That's what I do, but I only do move confirmation in correspondence.
Congrats with your rating milestone !

> Does anybody have tips on how to reach 1800 quickly and easily?
Patience as well as stamina are important.
Good that you play Lichess Rapid instead of a lot of bullet !
Study and train, analyze, play, in a good balance and also take some time to digest new things you have learned.
Move confirmation is very strong in classical and rapid.
Look at the following game. You make 4 blunders and you lose because of your last blunder. However, you had plenty of useless time on left on your clock. If you had invested only part of that time in checking for blunders, then you would have won. With move confirmation you will not only be stronger, but also happier: to lose a game of chess is normal, but to lose in a winning position by a blunder is no fun.

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