
As usual.

As usual. Someone sacrifices all their pieces on me and somehow their sacrifice is sound and I lose.
It's only happened a million times before (unless of course I'm lucky)...

What is this SORCERY???
And before you know it, someone else finds a way to sacrifice their queen to a winning position in an opening (just an example, not my game):

Thanks so much Raymond Keene... your idea of sacrifice has brought me to the point of sacrificing my lichess account...
It was crazy to see the engine recommend my sacrifice on move 18 as the best move, taking my sacrifice forced a mate in 9 which I didn't find. I had considered one of the lines in the mate in 9 but I was sure you had a defense for it after going through 1000s of variations
@SavageAntarctican In your second example, none of my collection of engines said that it was winning. They said that it was pretty equal.

And I have a lot of engines.
How many more must suffer before Keene's reign of terror comes to an end?

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