

Oh come on mods, im playing a 2400 bot, its 10 am and ive been playing all night and im tilted as hell. Please give me a break thank you.
Edit: the bot gets like 1 or 0 rating points per loss, so come on this is ridiculous.
come on, man, be cool. at 10 am after playing all night i should be allowed to resign rated games after normal opening moves, man, that would be totally normal. don't be a square.

i am being treated so unfairly.
@glbert said in #2:
> come on, man, be cool. at 10 am after playing all night i should be allowed to resign rated games after normal opening moves, man, that would be totally normal. don't be a square.
Wanna try beating a bot in a sicilian defense or in a Caro? yeah have fun with that, it mops the floor with my face from a +5 opening position (why is why I am mad af and kept restarting in the first place), its a torture to play a full game knowing that your loss is 100% guaranteed, mental abuse at its finest.
Also its literally a bot and the rating didnt even budge. I overall lost like 10 rating from all the games I played, not just the ones I resigned. Like what are we even discussing here, seriously.
@Dragon_Emperor_9774 said in #4:
> Like what are we even discussing here, seriously.

it looks like we're discussing how you think you can ignore the rules when it's convenient to you or when you feel that you didn't break them seriously enough. my prediction: soon you will be complaining about more than just a warning, and i will be in that very same thread, laughing and pointing.
Ah yes, so instead of actually trying to play a game with an opening you do not like, you instantly resign and not try at all and lose a few rating points.
Sounds quite similar to sandbagging in a utilitarianistic view, right?

>Boosting - This is where a rating is artificially inflated, such as by arranging wins in advance with an opponent, or knowingly playing an opponent who is artificially deflating their rating, in an attempt to sandbag.
>Sandbagging - This is where a rating is artificially deflated, such as by resigning early, losing or drawing having put no real effort into the game, against an opponent who may be an active and willing participant or a victim.

So my advise would be to stop doing this.

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