
All-Round Variant Championship #1

I'm currently playing an otb tournament, so I haven't time until tuesday.
The original post stated that the first round would be played in the first week of April. I could play the first round wednesday evening at around 10pm CET.
Its ok, you can play your 1st round games later. and play your round 2 games also. playing order is not a problem since this is around Robin tournament.
Round 02
@chanakam2000 vs @AcademicNinja99

chanakam2000 - 2.0
AcademicNinja99 - 0.0

Atomic - Variant selected by AcademicNinja99
chanakam2000 - 0.5
AcademicNinja99 - 1.5

KOTH - Variant selected by chanakam2000
chanakam2000 - 2.0
AcademicNinja99 - 0.0

Round 01 - Total
chanakam2000 - 4.5
AcademicNinja99 - 1.5

Standard - Game 1

Standard - Game 2

Atomic - Game 1

Atomic - Game 2

KOTH - Game 1

KOTH - Game 2
@T-Rox has responded, but we're having a hard time getting on at the same time, so it might take a while to play our games...
Round 2
@Samurai_Sri_Lanka vs @Chillkroete77 1:5
Standard: @Samurai_Sri_Lanka 0:2 @Chillkroete77
Game 1:
Game 2:
Variant 1, selected by @Samurai_Sri_Lanka
Atomic: @Samurai_Sri_Lanka 1:1 @Chillkroete77
Game 1:
Game 2:
Variant 2, selected by @Chillkroete77
Three-Check: @Samurai_Sri_Lanka 0:2 @Chillkroete77
Game 1:
Game 2:

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