
Which chess variant has a guaranteed win as white?

TLDR: Content as title.

Hey guys! So i thinked! In our digital technology accesed world we have serious huge computing power in our hands!

Which game variant have guaranteed win if powerful computers are played, so basically it is useless to play computer championship with those variants.

Thank yo ufor your reading!
@IanAVR123 Si then they does not have tournaments in that game mode? computer torunaments, because it's a winning mode
Its pretty well known Antichess has been solved as a win for white after 1.e3. The permutations are endless, so only a comp would be able to convert it every single time, but..... Anyhow, anti, 1.e3 1-0
anti and atomic both have and advantage but not necessarily a guaranteed win
If you think about it, white is always better. As long as you play absolutely perfect in any variant it is a guarantee win for white. But of course, we are people and we make errors, and it is impossible for us to memorize every line. Otherwise, why would these variants exist if white always wins?

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