
Weird forced draw with same colour bishop + 2 connected passed pawns

From what I can tell, this is a forced draw. I can't find any way for black to make progress here. Luckily white blundered in my game at let me through on the a-file, but if white just does nothing he draws.

Edit: position intended to show was wrong - 45. ... b3 is the position
He just said what he saw after 1s. You can ask him nicely for more info. I will ask if you don't want to.
By the way, the first position I saw was different. The black pawn was still on b4 there.

So many levers, ...f5-f4 sacrificing a pawn is an idea.
This won position against an NM is even weirder .. forced draw

After 47..Rxd1 It's a theoretical draw
@finlip Saying stuff like "After 1s: this isn't a fortress" and in his latest post "#7: this is a common fortress, run of the mill." are undermining posts. If you have something to contribute, then contribute. I see this a lot on forums, some think it's appropriate to talk down to less experienced people in the subject, it's unnecessary.
"If you have something to contribute, then contribute. I see this a lot on forums, some think it's appropriate to talk down to less experienced people in the subject, it's unnecessary."

Yes i agree mate, it happens a lot. I thought chess people would be a bit more humble. However it seems a place for egos to be flaunted.

I stand by what you say mate.

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