
Any good counters to the French defense?

@Shadow1414 said in #10:
> #9: The answer lies in master game statistics.

But the statistics freak me out, sometimes white majority games won, than you have Blacks move and some replys by black are winning.

Lower rated players obscure the statistics, but weird anyway
I play the french as black 17xx level in rapid. And as a 1.e4 player i would opt for the Classical or the bourne variation. Just due to the fact that they are so infrequently played.
@Tschesslee said in #12:
> I play the french as black 17xx level in rapid. And as a 1.e4 player i would opt for the Classical or the bourne variation. Just due to the fact that they are so infrequently played.

I don't know what the bourne variation is, but isn't the Classical 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Nf6 ? That would be a decision for Black rather than White. If White plays 3.Nc3 they must also be prepared to meet the Winawer 3...Bb4 which is popular and very tricky. (Not to mention 3...dxe4.)
Do you like GM Smirnov's suggestions? (Youtube)

What I normally use is the GM Kraai idea of dxc5 and then instead of protecting the d4 pawn, your game revolves around ctrl-ing the d4 square. In the kingside, if Black 0-0-ed and you didn't, h4 Rh3 is an option, and Qg4 or Gf3 when possible - gaining strength there. (Kraai was a French Defense player himself, so I tend to believe him more)

But yes, these things are difficult to face, I don't believe all these "Crush the Sicilian" (or any other solid known opening) kinds of announcements.
@Brian-E said in #13:
> I don't know what the bourne variation is, but isn't the Classical 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Nf6 ? That would be a decision for Black rather than White. If White plays 3.Nc3 they must also be prepared to meet the Winawer 3...Bb4 which is popular and very tricky. (Not to mention 3...dxe4.)

yes there your right. But still i think the classical is better than the exchange or the advance.
Winawer is maybe a bit a pain in the ass. thats correct
many good opening lines against french. winawer, and so on, mostly push hard to the king side, with h pawn, look for those reverse angles, play Qg4 and Qg7 if they let you,
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Just had a 2 move win with French......e4 e6, d4 d5 white resigned

What a nob

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