
Possible improvements to Lichess

@kingdave2 said in #20:
> Questa discussione è a dir poco comica. Mi sembra ovvio che la modifica proposta sarebbe l'analisi post-partita, non il gioco, ma a quanto pare non tutti la vedono in questo modo. @StefanoG01 Come ho detto prima, se mostrassi il tuo design fianco a fianco con ciò che fa attualmente Lichess, allora più persone capirebbero di cosa stai parlando.

In the imgur link I added an image, to make you understand before and after.
@jkibbe said in #21:
> Magari vedi se alle persone di piacciono le tue idee e/o crea il tuo fork dell'estensione

Thanks, but from what I have seen it is an extension to change colors, actually I wanted to implement it in native Lichess.
One word which I've heard Thibault repeatedly use is "minimalism". Where other sites might control how things display to every player, Lichess can be customized by userstyles and userscripts. I don't claim to fully understand this design philosophy, but I do understand that if I tried to persuade the team to make these changes, I would hear about maintenance and browser compatibility and this wouldn't get very far.

That said, in your most recent screenshot the "after" highlight of the current move number (4) seems to serve a useful function as opposed to being an aesthetic preference (although desktop applications for chess lack such a highlight).
While I am in the middle of analyzing a game, I often accidently tap the "|<" or ">|" buttons (which take you to the very start or end). It is very annoying because I have to scroll through half of the game again to get back to where I was. Anyone else?
@daniellin110 said in #25:
> While I am in the middle of analyzing a game, I often accidently tap the "|<" or ">|" buttons (which take you to the very start or end). It is very annoying because I have to scroll through half of the game again to get back to where I was. Anyone else?

Please don't hijack this topic which other players are also hijacking.
In your screenshots you want to get rid of showing data you describe as "confused".
I can tell you that this is exactly the data stronger players need to analyze their games, not showing it immediately would make it worse.

You think your changes are improvements, a lot of players (probably most?) will disagree. Just to give you some other perspective.
I think an improvement for Lichess can be to make regular classic tournament, no just monthly and yearly ones.
@StefanoG01 said in #23:
> Thanks, but from what I have seen it is an extension to change colors, actually I wanted to implement it in native Lichess.

Not just colors, but appearance, too.

click through and look at the before and after image
@Horsing-Around said in #27:
> Nei tuoi screenshot vuoi eliminare i dati che descrivi come "confusi".
> Posso dirti che questi sono esattamente i dati di cui i giocatori più forti hanno bisogno per analizzare i loro giochi, non mostrarli immediatamente peggiorerebbe le cose.
> Pensi che i tuoi cambiamenti siano miglioramenti, molti giocatori (probabilmente la maggior parte?) non saranno d'accordo. Giusto per darti un'altra prospettiva.

They are improvements, anyone with the mouse passes over a piece and when he passes it the box becomes larger, intuitively, you understand that you can click on it, like the writings on other sites. I have given an idea, I have not removed anything, I have moved, it is different. Your statement does not make sense, since that is a minimal thing that can be corrected with a demonstration video on Youtube.

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