
Can't improve after 1550

After watching your game, my advice: be careful against discovered attacks.
At 1550 all you have to do is stop hanging your pieces in 1 or 2 move tactics (and also capture the ones that are offered to you by opponent) to win games. As you mostly play Rapid there should be enough time to check. I also recommend "Chess Tactics Art (1400-1600 ELO)" App for training tactics.
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You play way too much.

I recommend 2-3 Rapid games a day - dedicate the remaining time gained from cutting those other Rapid games into effortful analysis of the few games played––as to not continuously repeat the same mistakes.

The longer the time-control, the less games you should play.

To me, it seems like you’re working hard––not well.

Great players don’t work a lot; they dedicate small periods of time to fixing their weaknesses, while simultaneously keeping themselves healthy by exercising and just living life - that way, they avoid tilt, burnout, and recover faster from those things, as well.

Don’t work *hard*; work *well*:

The more you work, the worse you become; the less you work, the better you become.
@Timo84 said in #12:
> At 1550 all you have to do is stop hanging your pieces in 1 or 2 move tactics (and also capture the ones that are offered to you by opponent) to win games. As you mostly play Rapid there should be enough time to check. I also recommend "Chess Tactics Art (1400-1600 ELO)" App for training tactics.

At 1550 all you have to do is stop hanging your pieces in 1 or 2 move tactics, isn't that also true for 2200?
On a more serious note, what helped me get from 1600 to 1800 lichess was reading the first chapters of How to reassess your chess by Silman. The book itself probably isnt that good, however it was the first time I heard about things like good bishops, bad bishops, when a knight is better than a bishop and so on.
Tactics, calculation are your weakest points at the moment. You also don't spend a lot of time at key positions.

Advice: Solve tactics puzzles and don't be so hasty.
All you need to do is to play thematic puzzles since chess is all about tactics. There are over million puzzles here, and mastering all of them will make one as strong as 2300.

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