
We should have something like a small description just under the name of our teams

Like if we wanna add something just under the team name something short
we should be able to do that
And keep it under the team's name
<Comment deleted by user>
Like we could just give some small words
such as my team is about bot tournaments

So we could add something like bot tournaments or bronze league etc?
@Peeyush_Sonkar said in #3:
> Why are you creating same topics with same request two times at the same span of time?! Even that forum isn't closed! Just bcz it's not coming on the main lichess page???!!! Try restricting these things......

I don't think I posted this, this is about under the teams name not about changing the teams name
@LGL_Leaders said in #5:
> I don't think I posted this, this is about under the teams name not about changing the teams name
Sorry , sometimes I've seen such people and didn't read carefully and assumed to you in of them and posted...... Probably I deleted mine post before you said.......

I think that's a cool idea.

If the people writing the short-text know what they are doing, then they can catch peoples eyes quickly - prompting more people to click on the team - thus gaining more members in the process.

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