
The Cheating Scandal

Please remove the typos
> that, accoding to Hans,
> evidence that spoke agianst Hans
> thus I don't used the engine to it's fullet potential
> with Mangus Carlsen's Rook move
> Magus and Hans had to play against each other
> And a bizzare follow up
(bizarre has one z and two r's)
> we might as well safe our energy
> Magnus defintely mishandled
Also one thing you didn't mention about Magnus behaviour is that both withdrawing half-way from a round-robin tournament and not trying to win is unfair and potentially detrimental for other players.
@ PxJ said in #2:
> Please remove the typos
Done. I did not know there were so many of them. Now I humbly ask you to remove my typos from your post. ;)

@ PxJ said in #3:
> Also one thing you didn't mention about Magnus behaviour is that both withdrawing half-way from a round-robin tournament and not trying to win is unfair and potentially detrimental for other players.
Indeed - I didn't mention that for some reason or another (though without intention). Maybe I will put it in the blog later.

But what do you think about the whole situation?
@george_mcgeorge said in #4:
> Now I humbly ask you to remove my typos from your post. ;)
Should I delete #2?
@george_mcgeorge said in #4:
> But what do you think about the whole situation?
Roughly the same as you, really.
Thanks for an excellent blog post. I think you have given a very good summary of what happened in the two games, and I mostly agree with your stance.

We don't know whether Niemann cheated or not, and it is a fine principle that one is innocent until proven guilty.

As for Carlsen's behaviour, I would say that it has not been of the best. He has not done anything actually wrong, but he has not acted honourably, in my view. On the other hand, he is free to do as he likes.

I am also inclined to comment on the typos. There are still some spelling and grammar mistakes, and I would like to see the post edited to remove them; I say this because I do think that it deserves a wide audience. Thanks again.
So Magnus finally made a statement on twitter on the matter:

Magnus (in my view) is basically confirming that he thinks Hans is a cheater and will never play him again. It reads to me that he wants to blacklist Hans. The only reason Magnus provided was Hans wasn’t stressed out like him in the game in Saint Leuis. Magnus saying that he needs permission to say more tells me it’s all evidence free and baseless character assassination/blacklisting of a fellow player.

I feel strongly that Magnus needs to have legal and federation consequences. Also I think Chesscom, IM Danny Rensch, GM Hikaru Nakamura & ChessBrahs should face consequences as well. On the ChessBrahs disinviting Hans from their tournaments without evidence is also reprehensible behavior, I’m honestly not sure what consequences should be done if any since they can invite whoever they want. Though ChessBrahs & Hikaru both are continuing to slander Hans by showing dishonest evaluations of past games that doesn’t even analyze the games properly to prove cheating. Though it’s the case that he is being disinvited from Chesscom & Chessbrah tournaments as well as the constant character assassinations because of what Magnus did and continues to do which definitely can be cited as damages in a legal proceeding.

I also want to say that other players were definitely caught in the crossfire at least in the tournaments Magnus screwed up, could demand damages, since Magnus pulled out of a Round Robin as well as winning a tournament in which he broke a 3 way tie (at least Anish Giri if I am getting this correctly) by giving a free point thereby knocking players out of the tournament.

This has definitely made me exhausted and since there’s no resolution to this, I don’t know how we can move on from this as top players appear to be allowed to behave dishonorably since they bring money to chess events through viewership/tourism/etc.