
Fastest win against Stockfish level 8

Checkmate in 43 moves with the Black pieces. Can someone do faster?
"Takeback proposition accepted"
That voids your achievement.

Plus you can use a strong engine and beat stockfish quite easily.
Obviously it's not your game. Good computer can win other good computer.
Obviously I did play this game with a computer... I'm just challenging you to do it in less than 43 moves (and not in 1+0)

I.e. to find a better programm? Sorry, that's not interesting for me, but maybe others will join your challenge.
#6: why do you have to be so negative? I'm not forcing you to take part in this challenge or to post on this topic.

You're also showing a misunderstanding of chess engines if you think it's only the program. Selecting the right positions is important. Some better players than me with worse "programs" could do better.
#8: mating Stockfish level 8 in less than 40 moves in long time controls? I would like to see that, do you have any example of such a game?
The computer on lichess doesn't use a lot of time for its moves even with long time controls.
In your game most moves are done in half a second.
So why would long time controls be an issue ?

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