
Необходимо внести изменения в правила FIDE

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Jo, eh kloar, oida. Genau so siech i des aa. Host eh voi recht damit.

Mundl Sackbauer
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в боксе вы не знаете всех ударов, которые может нанести ваш противник, и знаете, что он не может побить вас и его так же.

гугл извините перевод
Если двое захотят договориться, то 3 раза повторят позицию. В чём проблема?
В боксе победу присуждают судьи. Судейство так устроено, что ничья - бывает крайне редко. Ты хочешь, чтобы в шахматах тоже победу присуждали судьи? Типа, доигрались до голых королей, но белые чаще владели инициативой. Или чёрные провели красивый контр-удар? Короче, шахматы для интеллектуалов. А кому не нравится то, что игра в шахматы часто заканчиваются ничейным результатом - пусть смотрят бокс или футбол.
If two people want to agree, repeat the position 3 times. What is the problem?
In boxing, the victory is awarded to the judges. The refereeing is such that a draw is extremely rare. Do you want chess to be also awarded by judges? Like, they got to bare kings, but whites more often owned the initiative. Or did Black have a beautiful counterstrike? In short, chess for intellectuals. And who does not like the fact that they often end in a draw - let them watch boxing or football.
Вот гуглом перевёл, и никаких, по-моему, проблем с переводом нет.
<Comment deleted by user>
@ujcn I think the idea is to stop making it too boring for some viewers, or such situations like draw is agreed basically before moves made, so players just come to the board to make the procedure. Like it was in Women blitz chamionship tournament, where #1 and #2 had a game, and camera went to them, commentators started preparing us for a big fight... and then what we see, draw I don't remember in 10 moves? lol, just lol... ridiculous
I think good solution would be to award only WINS.
And so Win = 1 pt, Draw = 0 pts, Loss = 0 pts. That's it, half a point is way too much for a draw. Maybe then young minds start playing like young Fischer, only for a win. Maybe then everyone will start squizzing water from stone in order to get that precious point in the tournament. Imagine how would dynamics of the games change with that rule applied.
Waun i nua vastehn dad wos de redn.

@ujcn said:
> In boxing

Just because in sport X something is doesn't mean it makes sense in sport Y too. If i bring a bat to a baseball match and swing it - just normal. If i do the same in a soccer game - probably not so normal and considered rather threatening. If a 100m-sprinter brings his laptop to the start - why not? If a chessplayer brings his laptop to the game - the question asked is perhaps not quite "why not".

So, to argue against draws or draw offers just because some other sport doesn't have that either is no "argument" at all - it is just irrelevant. A boxing game ends by: K.O. or after the alotted number of rounds are fought. In chess a game ends by: resignation, checkmate or draw agreed. So effectively the "argument" amounts to: "because in boxing the rules will not change we should change the rules of chess instead". This is just ridiculous.

And, in boxing there is the technical K.O., where the judge decides that one party is not able to fight any more. Therefore, in chess, you lose a pawn and the judge steps in, decides that your position is lost and gives up on your behalf, no?

Если тройное повторение разрешено, то что мешает устроить договорную ничью с помощью тройного повторения?

If we're still okay with threefold repetition, how does this prevent "fake" draws by threefold repetition?

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