
Requesting Advice on my Game Analysis: 15+10

I spend quite some time looking at this game after it was played and here are all my notes. If anyone reading this has any advice, I would love the help.
I think you have noted where you could improve quite well yourself. Only based off this one game, my opinion is you would get much better positions by paying more attention to king safety. At least it was good that you played in the center even though you didn't castle, so that kept your position playable. I think you evaluation of your opponent's c4 move isn't completely correct. Although it controls two lights squares, just look at how many squares it gives up. Essentially, your opponent gives you a ready made plan of piling up on the d3 pawn. Other than that, a decently played game, thanks for sharing!
I'm assuming that you have the board backwards which causes some confusion in you notes.

2 This should lead to the King's Indian Attack, which isn't the most active but still contains both strategic and tactical threats.
4 The bishop belongs on g2 where is pressures d5 and the pawn on g3 would support the f4 push.
5 The best move is supporting the center with Nd2. This does temporarily block in the Bishop, but it will find a good home. The pawn exchange is one of the worse moves as it frees black's game.
6 The d4 push can be effective to fix black's d5 pawn if the Bishop were on g2.
7 Bf4 is much better as this Bishop has limited useful squares.
8 This move is bad due to the weakness of d3. The dark squares are fine. Instead of Be6, d4, gaining space, could have been better. I prefer an open position, so I prefer Be6 or castling.
9 cxd5 is a horrible move. If it weren't for a Bxh2+ discovered attack, d4 would be a powerful move. Both recaptures allow white to equalize with d4. Notice how the discovered check favors white.
11 Nxd4 or cxd4 contains a trap based on Bxh2+ again.
12 d5 fails to the Bxh2+ trap.
13 It's difficult to decided between which Rook. Here I would look at invasion squares, which there is only one on c2. This means that I want a Rook on the open c-file. White has only one invasion square, so contesting control of the c-file makes more sense.
Nice commentary.

Something that made me scratch my head is the annotation of move 15. a3 "A simple restriction of squares move, a medioquer move."
I liked 13.a3 and 14.b4; grabing space is what is on my mind and control over c5 square. I want to put a knight there.
Na4->Be3->maybe Rc1 and then Nc5
4 Be2 is passive, he should play g3 and Bg2. This 2 d3 is not terrible. 2...e6 looks like the wrong response. Fischer used to play 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 e6 3 d3 transposing into your position. He at that time thought this leads to a favorable version of the king's indian defence reversed. 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 g6 3 e3?
You guys are great! I didn't expect so much feedback. I can't actually tell which games you are talking about though because there are multiple chapters.

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