

@bingndensum said in #40:
> Except that such a thesis wouldn't be worthy of the topic....

Hmm... maybe one of thise boring scientific books that atr a thousand pages, but every page invariably says the same thing?
@HrishikeshM said in #41:
> Hmm... maybe one of thise boring scientific books that atr a thousand pages, but every page invariably says the same thing?
A kid said this while solving algebra:
Math,I am tired of finding ur ex(x).
@ParanshTyagi said in #45:
> A kid said this while solving algebra:
> Math,I am tired of finding ur ex(x).
It's wearing down my bearings.
???: knock knock
me: who`s there?
cow: cow
me: cow...(cow goes in the middle of my word)cow: moooooooo
me: I guess cow who stumble`s in the middle of my word?
Why did the Student eat his homework?
Because his teacher told him it was a piece of cake.

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