
One of the strangest games ever!!

So in this game I had 11 average centipawn loss (nice), 1 mistake, 1 blunder and SIXTY SEVEN inaccuracies!?!?!?

Can anyone give me a steer as to what I did wrong, especially in the end game? :-)

@achja Thanks for the input! I think on move 202 that placing my king on e3 was a bit passive. a7 may have been better.

Although I see your game was only a measly 117 moves whereas mine was 230 moves.


My ambition now is to beat the longest ever tournament game (269 moves) .
I am a little bit diappointed that your king did not enter every square ;)
I guess people who won't resign games deserve this King explorer game huh?
I think it's bullshit
You would have won on move 20. If you just want to lose time go to a bar and talk to someone. This is not the strangest game ever, this game is about a guy who is being a dick.
I think that if the losing opponent wants to just move his king around it's perfectly acceptable and (in my view) fun to do the same as the winning player, and it's entertaining getting as close to stalemate as possible. It's also instructive because occasionally I do actually stalemate, so I learn the patterns and stalemate risks and how to avoid them in future.

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