
Issue with puzzle 6081

The solution required by lichess in puzzle 6081 is incorrect. It asks the user to play 24 ... b5?! that leads to mate in three, instead of 24 ... Red2, which leads to mate in two. It seems that the generator pruned 24 ... Red2 because the position would be repeated, according to the history.

24 ... b5 should be a 'retry' and 24 ... Red2 the main move.

La solución requerida por lichess en el problema 6081 es incorrecta. Pide al usuario que juegue 24 ... b5 ?! que lleva a mate en tres, en lugar de 24 ... Red2, que conduce a mate en dos. Parece que el generador podó 24 ... Red2 porque la posición sería repetida, de acuerdo con el historial.

24 ... b5 debe ser un 'retry' y 24 ... Red2 la jugada principal.

I add the link to the puzzle:
Hello everyone.

I noticed that nobody paid attention to this. This is serious. It is terrible that puzzles with incorrect solutions are offered. The puzzles generator uses stockfish, but this engine always avoids the repetition of positions although to win you have to go through a repeated position. The optimal solution is penalized by lichess and that is absurd, especially when you are required to "find the best move".

If this is not the forum for reporting this, at least indicate what it is.

Hola a todos.

Noté que nadie prestó atención a esto. Esto es serio. Es terrible que sean ofrecidos puzzles con soluciones incorrectas. El generador de puzzles usa stockfish, pero este motor siempre evita la repetición de posiciones aunque para ganar haya que pasar por una posición repetida. La solución óptima es penalizada por lichess y eso es absurdo, sobre todo cuando te exigen que "encuentres el mejor movimiento".

Si este no es el foro para reportar esto, por lo menos indiquen cuál es.
Puzzles below a certain number (I think it's around 60000) are no longer offered to registered users anyway. I imagine this is probably fixed for newer puzzles. I do think that the puzzle should be removed, though.
There is no reason to remove it, just correct it.

No hay razón para eliminarlo, sólo corregirlo.
I dont like new tactics trainer.
Sometime too tricky.
Puzzles wrong rated (some puzzles are rated only 1600~ but for real are very hard with a "quite" and deep first move and some puzzlez are rated 2000+ and are very easy with a forced moves), bad solutions, more than 1 solution for many many puzzles(very often happen that you can win a piece with 2 or 3 ways). I reallly dont like. I prefer the 1st tactics trainer that there was in lichess.

The new, Very often is frustrating.

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