
Chess960 bug

According to the rules if there are no pieces between the king and rook it's legal to castle on either side as long as there's no checks along the files. Well I just tested this rule and I'm finding out its not possible to do this. Another possible bug and I see no mention in the rules that disallows castling with one of the rooks in place of another rook which has been captured. In other words if one rook had been captured I should legally be able to castle on the other side even if there is no rook on that side since I still have one rook left to make that castling rule possible.
I don't think I can because I just completed the game but even if I gave you the link there would be no way to demonstrate my issue beyond how I just described it. Because you would only be able to see the castling which happened but not from my side where the bug occurred.
Thibault has to be notified about this bug because it's unique because it simultaneously is a bug but could also be a chess 960 rule flaw as well. The issue is if one of my rooks gets captured am I legally able to use the remaining rook to castle on either side of the board assuming the rules are being followed? I'm going to ask this question in the Reddit forum as well to see the answers I get on this one. I think this issue may be a chess 960 rule flaw.
You can look at my profile page and find the most recent link to the chess 960 game I played. That's what I can tell you and this information is correct is it not?

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