
Closing forums!

Hi guys recently i saw some forums got closed...usually a forum will closed by a mod after he post on the forum..buti saw some forums just close without any posts from mods is that a new feature?
@IveBeatenTal said in #1:
> Hi guys recently i saw some forums got closed...usually a forum will closed by a mod after he post on the forum..buti saw some forums just close without any posts from mods is that a new feature?

It isnt what you are thinking. A forum doesnt automatically get closed after a mod posts. Mods can close whenever they want (if they think it to bad)
@FischerSimul said in #3:
> It isnt what you are thinking. A forum doesnt automatically get closed after a mod posts. Mods can close whenever they want (if they think it to bad)
Yes...but most of the forums would come to end after the mods post!
It's no surprise that mods say something to put a thread to an end?

E.g. some banned person says "what's wrong" / "why am i banned" / "i didnt cheat", mod refers them to appeal page and closes the thread.
@IveBeatenTal no. Mods have an option to close the forum and also to write it. If the forums plain out junk or someone has already given the appeal page or something like that, they just close the spam. In the forum etiquette, promoting spam is wrong. So Lichess mods sometimes give a final reply before closing the forum if it's not good. I've seen many mods post in a forum that was never closed, mods moderate, but remember, they're also chess lovers like us :)
I think he might be referring to some threads that got archived.

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