
Ridiculous locking out for 24 minutes for aborting a game..

Why has LiChess enforced this draconian measure if you decline to play someone? I set my parameters to 1900 players LiChess is matching me with 1700 - so you get locked out for aborting a game you did not ask for!?
not sure about the pairing bug, but in general you need several strikes to get a playban.

based on this feedback and others I've increased the number of aborts required to trigger a penalty

This increase is appreciated. I am wondering if there is a difference in the # between live and correspondence games?
I rarely abort live games, get right to the play. But for correspondence, where an investment of a much greater effort and time is involved, I always review a players history before accepting. I find "reasons" (such as a player sandbagging their rating by playing SF8 a 14 day game in less than 5 minutes a half dozen times), to abort a higher percentage of games. Need I be concerned about the # of games aborted in correspondence ?
Thanks ... mdinnerspace
"You need several strikes to get a playban."

"I've increased the number of aborts required to trigger a penalty."

If you already need several strikes what does increasing the amount do apart from encourage the aborting of even more games for petty reasons?
Most reasons are not petty, at least in the mind of the player. There are many valid reasons, sometimes beyond someones control. Of course it can be abused for petty reasons, but I think the majority of players intent is not to abuse the privilege. It does seem unfair, and many have posted as such, to receive a playban after only a very few aborts. Increasing the number seems a fair compromise.

Players may inadvertently make unintended mouse clicks, get paired outside the seek parameters they had set, a knock comes at the door just as a seek is posted, many legitimate reasons that some leeway should be allowed for. There have been many complaints as the mod stated by players not understanding why the playban. I for one applaud the moderators willingness to make changes in response to questions.
Thank you @isaacly

I think you risk losing members to other sites if you try to force pairings. I see why you want to encourage as many active games though.

Perhaps after a certain amount of aborts you ask the user to adjust their seek settings first - e.g. take them to those settings. I find it takes around 3-5 aborts before I get an opponent I want. I'd say 10 aborts lock them out, with a warning on the 9th abort.


If you post an open seek, you should expect to play the game vs someone who has accepted the challenge. You say it takes 3-5 aborts before you find the opponent that you want? This is unreasonable. Pairings can not possibly work with everybody aborting 3-5 games.
Instead of open seeks, I suggest sending challenges to players that fall within your very selective parameters. Also, accept challenges made by others. This gives you the opportunity beforehand to make some research of the opponent.
Also, I do not believe you can set your seek rating parameter higher than your own rating for the time control selected. You may be 1900 for blitz by example but lower for another control which you'll have to adjust for. May explain why you get paired with lower rated than expected.
The only reason I think I have ever aborted a game is because I accidently went into live play. Aborting a game because your opponent isn't a high enough rating is petty. These players are abusing the system to protect their own rating as they lose less points to higher rated opponents and gain more if they win. Some players also abort when they get black or if their opponent plays 1.d4 etc etc.

I don't agree with pandering to players who receive playbans. Thousands of players manage to never receive one so the few that do are obviously doing something wrong.
@mdinnerspace - I see your point but as the user I am expecting the open seek to pick up my defined parameters which are 1900-2500. If the system is pairing someone fresh (newbie) with undefined then yes pair me against anyone.

My average rating taking the average /bullet/blitz/classical combined is about 1900.. so the system should not match me with 1600, 1700 in Classical - if I'm 2000 this is nowhere near.. within 100 points perhaps is ok. Strangely the players seem to be there when looking, but the pairing is too quick to assign me the right players.

If after the second abort the system told me there are only 3 active players within my parameters, one probably wouldn't abort (and expect) so much.

I think the open seek parameters are too loose. I realize there are probably more 'casual' players who don't care who they play rating wise but is that really in the best interests of more regular players.

Your rating for blitz is <1900 and bullet < 1800. You can not expect to play players higher rated than you only. You must adjust the sliding bar to somewhere below your rating for the time control you seek in a quick pairing. If you have a classical rating >1900 but a lower rating for blitz, you can not expect to play only players above 1900 in blitz.

When I switch back and forth between correspondence and classical quick pairing seeks, I'm having to adjust the sliding bar to make sure it falls below my rating for each time control. As long as the bar is below my rating, the system works as expected. If the minimum of the bar is above a rating, I believe you'll still get paired, but maybe 200 points below your rating. If it is set 50 points below, I've never been paired with anything less.

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