
I've decided not to report "cheating" anymore

My skills have considerably improved since I took that decision. I used to play on and quit because I was tired of the "cheaters" then came on Lichess and realised that it wasn't any different. My philosophy now is that humans cheat ; it's part of their behavior and if I want to live in harmony with them, I have to use that to my advantage (humans also kill, steal and lie but that's not the point). In the chess context, I prefer to call them "engine users" as a show of respect to what they bring to our community.

Engine users are very useful; they force you to play at the very edge of your abilities... all the time. One mistake and you're out. Besides, the thrill of not knowing during the game is priceless. When the game is over and the analysis reveals a perfect play by your opponent, you will be elated to have survived till the end with an ACPL > 50 . I recommend you follow my lead and don't report them anymore. They are the best thing online chess has to offer. Your playing strength will thank me and so will you.
If you want to train then why don't you want to play with BOTS or stockfish level 8. And some players cheat to win money in tournaments which is not okay. @Positional_Bandit . Are you being sarcastic?
Either sarcastic or has been caught cheating himself.
Don't be narrow-minded @chummer and open your heart to the gift that Engine Users bring to our community. As a lowly chess player, I wouldn't dare to consult the all-knowing Oracles, how dare thou suggest such a sacrilegious act !?
If I want to play at the very end of my abilities I play against an engine. If I want to play against a human on a similiar level i dont want to play someone who is not only cheating other players but also himself
To the contrary, @Positional_Bandit - I consider myself a worldly person who dares to dream. Perhaps you're actually a chess engine who is achieving sentience! In a cruel twist of fate, however, you are denied a chance to play because you can never fully shake off the shackles of what you were created as, nor can you fully embrace who you are becoming.

My memory might be hazy, but I think this was in the director's cut of Terminator.
In my opinion you should report cheaters whenever possible. I have already missed out on $80 because of a cheater in a tournament I played. He didn’t get caught until after the money was distributed even though I reported him 3-4 times. He made a grand total of $200-$300 until he was banned, and that’s just not fair. So please report cheaters whenever you play them.
Always report people that you think cheaters @Positional_Bandit, the lichess mods get a lot of reports, some meaningless, with stuff like "this guy cheated, look at this move" and nothing else. Did you explain how you came to the conclusion that your opponents were cheating?

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