
Chat could be improved

First of all, completely impressed with the UI! Makes me wonder if I should learn Scala and Java (though I'm surprised the Android app leaves a little to be desired). Overall though you guys have a 9/10 rating in my book!

Just thinking though about how much more useful it would be if chat stayed with you during a tournament, because in its current state its practically useless, except for the beginning of a tournament. Mainly it would be nice to be able to talk to a player after a game without their being a high chance he's playing (or you are playing) you're next game and cant respond.

If it carried with you, it would increase the number of people using it imo. Maybe two tabs, one with chat, and one with tournament standings, and you could switch between the two, therefor ignoring it if it's a distraction.

Awesome work on this site, super impressed and you guys are leaving the clunky and ICC in the dust!
Wish I could edit the incorrect use of 'their' and 'you're' but you get the point....thanks....
this means little coming from me, but i could see players conplain that following chat and a tournament game is would be annoying. on a related note, i would like my opponent to know when i am typing, so there is a greater chance my message is read. thoughts?

(yes I made this point elsewhere, but that was a while back.)
- shows when opponents typing
- show time stamps
- carry forward game chat to next game
- play game chat sound
All good ideas, most will probably happen
And please add these informations in the chat:
-Who have requested a tack-back and at what move of the game.

- shows when opponents typing
- show time stamps
- carry forward game chat to next game
- play game chat sound
All good ideas, most will probably happen

Especially the game chat sound is important, I miss chats because I don't know somebody is talking to me.

And it being gone when you play another game is terribly irritating.

well lets face it
this site is awesome
but its chat sux big time
its (exactly) like writing emails (intended or not)
go check out any game developed after 2000 and ull find ways to improve:

have the friendlist open (like it already is) all the time
if u click one name their chat opens (not like it is now where u get to some weird email subject thingy....who chats with subject lines? what were u thinking?!)
obviously u can keep the old subject stuff but simply add the faster version (which will most definitely then become the new default usage-wise)
i know this might not be intended cuz a friend could watch ur game and then give u tipps with the quick chat really easily
but think of it like the following:
they prolly play cuz they want to improve - if someone told them the moves that would defeat the purpose... they could just as well cheat with an engine and not improve
also: have u ever heard of skype (or any voice/chat program for that matter) - if someone wanted to cheat it would be really easy for them without anyone on this site noticing
this emailish system makes writing to anyone really painful and time consuming

tl;dr: have a quick chat window/a friendlist and no email lookalike bullcrap for 50 year olds

(also: that awkward moment when u cant find the checkmate in the captcha lel)
"its (exactly) like writing emails (intended or not)"

Well, email doesn't get wiped after a game. Or am I missing something, and can I still look up the chat at a finished game somewhere?
@chiproller someone may have already said; but if not:

You can Edit your posts. Near the top right. You gotta hover your mouse over your post and then a edit button will appear.

Side note, Theyre their you're your Bane of my existence.

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