
George Floyd case.

It is very myopic to only see the looters and not the people who rightfully demand change. That's the go-to excuse of tyrannical states to crack down on protesters and quash dissent.


I thought I answered it and that's why you so graciously complimented me on my common sense in post #140.

You tried so hard to incriminate black people by suggesting they disproportionately kill babies (=abortion). I pointed out the racism in your remark, because it implies that a black woman who induces miscarriage has committed a more serious crime than a slave owner who kills a slave in a fit of anger. Moreover, it diminishes the suffering of the victims. Your counterargument was fetuses feel pain after week 13 therefore abortion causes the same level of suffering as any other form of murder.

I showed you more than 90% of abortions take place before week 13! And the delayed abortions could be prevented if people like you didn’t oppose abortion so much. So what happens after week 13 is of little relevance to this discussion. Let’s say 5 month old babies can walk and talk and feel all sorts of pain. So what? I told you go ahead and ban abortion after week 13.

The problem is you don’t want to acknowledge the racism in your views, you cannot bring yourself to show sympathy and to admit a mother who chooses to have an abortion is not the same as a racist killer. You rather find any excuse to hate others and deny the problem. And I’m sure you will never answer my question, no matter how many times I answer yours, because to you that would be defeat either way.
Moderators please close this topic. It's gone way off point and has been hijacked by morons.

Thank you.
@Jackurokawa... Can you read? I literally said

"I do not care about your political standpoint. Do not reply please, just want to say:


I wrote only two sentences, and you didn't read either.
I love how lichess made a direct statement on this issue! This topic should not be closed or swept under the carpet for fear of offending others. Wherever you see racism and bigotry make a loud statement that it is wrong.

Well done lichess for courageously deciding not to be silent in the name of 'impartiality'.
@SlicingBishop2006 I did read, I just didn't care because you didn't have an opinion or a point to make. What you essentially said was "I can't think of an arguement so shut up".
Jesus. I literally said I am not disagreeing. Do you know what, "do not care about your political standpoint" means? I am not disagreeing with him at all. All I was saying is that he was loud and rude. I did not tell him to shut up. I did not even tell him to calm down. I didn't tell him to DO ANYTHING. I just pointed something out and said I am not interested in this discussion, and now you are saying he has a point and you are lying about what I said.

"I think it could be racist murder, it's hard to imagine that white policemen kills white man with no reason. Protests are needed, and not peaceful protests, because everyone would forget it next day. "

Thats why I'm against taking support on BLM, so many people who take this as an excuse for riots and violence

Alright we are gonna bring up slavery now are we? Alright lets bring up slavery. I'll play ball, lets talk about the real facts.

1) Only the wealthiest of plantation owners could afford to own a slave during times of slavery. Buying a slave was the equivalent cost of today's buying a brand new luxury automobile. Black slaves were not passed around for nickels and dimes. They cost a pretty penny.

2) While I agree some slaves were abused, and that is not good, not all were abused. Things such as "Mandingo Fights" from the film "Django Unchained" simply never ever had any evidence of ever happening. It's the equivalent of taking luxury cars to a demolition derby.

3) Many slaves lived a fairly comfortable life relative to many other people of the day. The cotton-growing season is about 150 to 180 days. That means no picking cotton the rest of the days of the year. Plenty of months off to sit around and play the banjo, sing songs, dance, have a barbecue and so on. White facotry workers had to work YEAR ROUND for a pittance, and black slaves worked SEASONAL.

4) At it's roots slavery was a choice of the slaves. Someone is going to be like "No it wasn't!" Uh, yea it was. 100% of the time it was a choice to be a slave (at least the first slaves). Often times the slaves were defeated warriors sold by an African chief to a Jewish slave trader. We are not going to talk about the African's that sold the other African's into slavery. Sold out by their own people... Lets blame whitey. Anyways, it's a choice because you always have the option to kill your self. Stop eating, stop working until they beat you to death, go for the Master's gun, jump off the side of the slave ship. If enough slaves were doing that their would have been a very low amount of money made off of slavery. It would not have been economically feasible and after the 2nd or 3rd slave ship of losing money, they would stop because they can't make any money. That's the roots of it. Now if you were 8th generation slave born into slavery I am not going to hold you to the same standard as a once free mighty warrior.

5) 100% Of slave ships in the transatlantic slave trade were Jewish owned. Not 98% not 99% 100% without fail. Each and every one of these slave ships was Jewish owned. Like 2% of white people are Jews.

6) Lincoln was the first Republican president. 365,000 dead, 282,000 wounded, 181,000 captured American White Republican men from the north lost this many people. This many white men gave it all to free black men. I have NEVER seen a black man say thank you to a northern white Republican man for his freedom. Not one ever. NEVER.

7) "Muh 40 acres and a mule! We want reparations!" Trillions of dollars in welfare has gone to black people in the united states. Trillions... With a T not Billions with a B. What have we gotten back for that massive taxed investment in black people? What do we have to show for it? Cities like Detroit? I don't think it has been a good investment. That safety net has become a hammock.

8) White people today are not responsible for slavery in America hundreds of years ago. Only the richest and often Jewish white people of the south were responsible for it then. A very wealthy southern white Jew is the closest to a responsible party alive today. Not just some random white dude named Jack from California, or Tom from Maine.

9) Black people today were never slaves in America.

10) Today in Africa there are more than twice as many slaves in chains than there were during peak slavery in the united states. More than than twice as many. Where is "Black Lives Matter" on this issue? Why aren't they lobbying for the US government to bring a couple of our Air Craft carriers over there and to send in the marines to get to work freeing those slaves? Dead silence

11) There is no folklore, or myth, or story ever about some African men grabbing up some spears, or bows and arrows, and hopping in a cannoe chasing after a slave ship trying to free their brothers. It never happened. Your own people never gave a damn you were gone.

12) This country cares more about you than Africa ever did. We freed you. We feed you. We give you jobs. We give the vote. We have given you all the opportunity in the world, but will never be enough for you will it? We provide you with an education, and give you rights, and treat you like an American. What the fuck have we ever gotten in return? A victim mentality with an open hand always asking for more. Shame on you! Take some fucking responsibility for your damn self!

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