
Are you a pawn grabber or a king hunter ?

White to move here. Would you go for material, or search for a possible checkmate ?
(3 0 game, 1700+ opp. 2/0/0, 11 acpl)

doesn't your line accomplish both? it avoids gxf4 while exposing the king and wins at least a rook in the end (and it's actually all forced).
if we are talking about move 18 or 19 i'm definitely taking that rook, i have no soul
Like @Rise I am not necessarily a pawn grabber, but I am definitely a rook grabber.
When the king is in the middle, its obvious to go attack the king
I mostly like to expose my gameplay stratergy by admitting publicly that im mostly a pawn grabber.Oops !
#2 In blitz, ditto. In a much, much slower game maybe I'd search for mate (but probably not).
I am a pawn grabber, unless I see a threat or another obvious good move, I can't resist taking a free pawn XD
I'm not a pawn grabber, but I used to be. I'm quite loose with my pawns these days.

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