
If you want to cheat go back to

Recently there were few cheaters complaining about their mark.
Here is your solution. Any engine will find heaven there. make serious effort to hide scale of cheating since no one would play there if that info is openly available.
I.g. They closed my account for "abuse" for this text on my own page. I had close to 0 forum posts and PMs. No insults etc.

I play on lichess since their anticheating rules are stricter. anticheat is 95% non functional. For instance I reported a cheat 2 yers ago.
Recently checked his account he is still playing and still cheating BLATANTLY.
Also several other active cheats here that I know of.
Blue admin of cheating forum once stated that MOST players in 1900-2k area are cheaters.
While being one of the worst cheating holes ever they show utter hypocrisy telling how everything is good.
The best thing on is its domain. Its run by people who have no idea how to make good play server.
Competitive part is basically non existent on
1. I saw several demented patients who gain their high ranks
by playing thousands of games vs computer easy.
Which is allowed by site rules.
2. Number of engines here have made ratings irrelevant in many cases. It leads to a funny situations where you can randomly get a very strong or very weak opponent having no idea about his acctual strengh.
Additionaly random disconnections that rarely but happen on specificaly.
Playing on is like a coinflip in many ways.
The comments on that post (The link) Or so fake XD. This is also why i moved to lichess because there's less cheating and you get everything for free. So ye I agree with you.
Less cheating on lichess? That makes me wonder WHAT banned about 30 of my accounts over the past 9 months, shutting me up time and time again, because IT did not approve of my playing style. Just like that. No ifs ands or buts.
Cheating with a cosmic C in my book.
cuz dey banned all de previous ones.
allow that to sink in.
i know, it's pretty deep.
but you can do it.
I like totally was baron, I like totally was. For I was, before being assassinated by the lichess nazis, in fact, and i quote: "RobinRood"!!!!!! I dik u not.
My comment was a little more subtle than that. I will make my point in a similar way: I've been playing for quite a while now, and I'm still on the same account.
i hate it when people complain about cheaters. i have never encountered a cheater before on lichess and people exaggerate the amount of cheaters there are on

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