
Are 1800s getting stronger?

Recently I sliped below 1900 and my all time highest was 2000 something a few weeks before that. Do 1800s getting extreamly good or Im getting extreamly bad smh. I just cant leave the 1800 gang, they wont let me. Others experience? The time control is blitz.
@ishallwooopyoass said in #1:
> Recently I sliped below 1900 and my all time highest was 2000 something a few weeks before that. Do 1800s getting extreamly good or Im getting extreamly bad smh. I just cant leave the 1800 gang, they wont let me. Others experience? The time control is blitz.
tbh either I am titling or 1300 (bullets) are getting strong I tried to study the Sicilian and most of my players used it against me (that day) Coincidence? like no one played the Sicilian with me until I tried to study it
I saw your rating curve from the last month.

Your average rating is 1950.

Both 2000+ and 1880 ( currently) are within rating deviation of medium rating (1950).

With another 20-40 games, you will likely be back to your average 1950.
nah, they are still weak, but sometimes 1800s play like 2000s and sometimes 2000s playe like 1800s

When you are 2000 you can play like 1700 or like 2100-2200, you never know
<Comment deleted by user>
There is no significant difference between above and below 150+- points., at least here on lichess.

With proper play, you should always be able to get a slight advantage, because they tend to do more small inaccuracies than you, and then pile up, so the guy who plays a bit more precisely will get a pawn advantage or so, even just positional advantage.

Technically the advantage should be around 1 pawn in the endgame, not always enough to win, but you are the one with the chances.

But they are also good enough to spot your mistakes, and if you get behind, they are perfectly capable of delivering. You might be slightly better, but is not like there is a vast gap of knowledge and experience, dont underestimate them, nor patronize them. You are not that god like compared to them. They are right behind you in the race, blink and you lose, so always be on your toes.
No, 1800's are not getting any stronger in my experience. But they do know how to play chess. If you want to beat them, you gotta pay attention. It is unlikely that you are going to find it easy to win material against anyone above 1800.
You must pay attention to their positional errors, as alientcp brought out.
THose sorts of mistakes are very common, and can give you a winning position.
If you want to play good chess you have to expend a lot of energy, if you want to maintain your rating.
Yup. Maybe you are used to get some quick checkmates on your way up, but at least me, which i am not very far from there (actually i took a dive earlier in the year and WAS playing at that level) is very complicated to win games. Most are long battles in the mid game expecting the opponent to make a positional inaccuracy (not blunder) and try to exploit it.

Just one tiny error can make the whole position to collapse in a terrible mess that can lead to massive material disadvantage and then an easy win, but its hard to exploit those errors.

Look for instance this game, i was worse the whole game, but he found no way to take advantage of my precarious position, and by move 19 i was aiming for him to push c5, which may give me a chance to establish a blockade and end my suffering. 10 moves later he did and i could stabilize. At the end, he lost on time, but i was not allowed to play chess the whole game up to about move 30, i had no chances of winning in the entirety of the game, and i was higher rated than him.

But i was 1 move away from total collapse most of the game. The tiny difference in level might be the one responsible for spotting most of the sensible moves to defend myself, but this types of games are the norm in this level, close fights and hope to get at least 1 pawn which may allow you to snowball. Expect nothing else, but just a tiny bit more of inaccuracies.

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