
What is the point of the King's gambit? I don't see why it is good.

The idea behind the opening is pretty simple, white wants to take the pawn on f4 with his bishop (developping in one swing and putting the bishop in a very good square), play d4 and win the center, castle kingside and have the open f file for the rook, and basically control the whole board with great piece activity (the light squared bishop often goes to c4, converging on f7 with the rook, the knight goes to c3 and the a1 rook gets centralized) and with their huge pawn duo in the centre. So, if black doesn't know what they're doing (as is, very very often the case in beginner's games), white gets a dream position.

When black tries to hang on to the pawn, or plays a customized system themselves to combat this idea (For example, 1.e4 e5 2. f4 d5), white still gets what they want: a sharp game with a lot of dynamic possiblites for both sides!

Personally I've had a lot of success with this opening, so absolutely something to look into! It's a nice exercice for one's tactical awareness as well.
Even tho kings gambit is unpopular in the profesional level. Its very sharp and good tool for sub2000 players! For gambited pawn you got strong centar and open file for your f rook and even more compasations if oponent missplay.
About 15 years ago some research came out that showed only 3.Be2 can draw, for White and everything else loses. But, as mentioned, it can be good if you are just wanting a fight.

Fischer wrote a paper saying it was busted as well... But if you play like a GM you could certainly beat many people with it.
Fischer said 3 Nf3 is wrong because of 3...d6 and 4...h6 and that 3 Bc4 is correct.
Some Super-GM found it pretty interesting but unfortunately he couldn’t find a way to equality for White...
Ever since I was a kid I played well against it.

The set up with d6, h6, g5, Bg7 and so forth is very strong.
Basically it's close to what Fischer wrote but a computer also will show this set up. Black is up more than a pawn, it's simply pretty much a terrible opening.

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